It reduces the optimal efficiency of labor forces allocation by labor market, deprives some labors of their fair and equal employment opportunities as well as harms the employment rights. 就业歧视降低了劳动力市场对劳动力资源最优配置的效率,剥夺和损害了部分劳动者公平、公正的就业机会和权利。
Research on the Correlation between Administrative Monopoly and the Efficiency of Labor Resources Allocation 行政垄断与劳动力资源配置效率相关性研究
The reputation of independent directors and the efficiency of their labor force market 独立董事声誉与独立董事劳动力市场有效性
Empirical Analysis of China's Commercial Efficiency of Labor Resource 我国劳动力资源经济效率的实证分析
The frequency and the degree of difficulty and easiness of the employment choice determines the level of the integration of labor markets inside and outside the enterprise and the efficiency of the labor market. 劳动者进行就业再选择的频度和难易程度,决定企业内外劳动力市场一体化的程度和劳动力市场的效率水平。
With the development of global economics and the foundation of our country's marketable economics system, the competition between corporations is increasing, the Electric Power Corporations must make full use of its advantages, improve the efficiency of labor and management to deal with various challenges. 随着全球经济的发展和我国市场经济体系的建立,企业之间的竞争日益加剧,电力企业必须充分提高生产率和管理效率,应对各种挑战。
During the period of the people's commune, the "quasi-industrial" labor system made full use of labor time but efficiency of labor was low, giving rise to the contradiction between rational form and irrational essence. 人民公社时期,准工厂制劳动制度充分利用劳动时间,但劳动效率低下,形成形式上的合理与本质上的不合理的矛盾。
We suggest that the key point to improve labor supply should be optimizing the allocation of labor and promoting the efficiency of labor based on the current labor policies. 政策建议是:改善劳动供给的关键在于从现行劳动政策和制度入手(如户籍制度),优化劳动配置,提高劳动效率。
Mechanization of sugar beet production would be realized, it not only promoted agronomic measures to be used, relieved intension of labor, but also assured to cultivate on time and to till well, raised quality of cultivation and efficiency of labor greatly. 实现甜菜生产过程机械化,不仅能促进农艺措施的实施,减轻劳动强度,而且能够做到不误农时,深耕细作,提高耕作栽培质量,大幅度提高劳动生产效率。
The study shows that the high job-search cost and imperfect information would deteriorate the welfare of job-seekers, and the efficiency of labor market. 这两个模型都揭示了较高的工作搜寻成本及信息不充分会损害求职者的福利,降低劳动力市场配置资源的效率,严重时甚至导致劳动力市场失灵。
It points out that improving the institution, reducing the transaction cost and enhancing the efficiency of labor division are the directions of the urbanization in China. 最后,总结了中国城市化发展危机的实质,指出,持续不断地完善制度,降低交易成本,提高分工效率是中国城市化发展的根本出路。
Based on two models of job search, this article analyses the mechanism of how the job-search cost and information influence the efficiency of labor market. 本文从工作搜寻理论的两个模型入手,分析了工作搜寻成本及信息对劳动力市场配置效率的影响机制。
The economic benefit of enterprises is influenced by many factors, among which low efficiency of labor is a very important one. 从人力资源的配置方式入手,分析人力资源配置方式对企业经济效益的影响:在影响企业经济效益的诸因素中,劳动的低效率是一个很重要的因素;
To realize the automation of packing will be helpful to increase efficiency of labor and utilization of materials and to realize the automation of manufacturing. 实现排样自动化,将有利于节省提高劳动效率和资源利用率,保证制造业自动化的良好实现。
The research indicates that the fundamental reasons for labor market flexibility involve the failure of Keynesian employment policy, low efficiency of labor market and the changeable production employment mode in the globalization age. 从理论上来讲,劳动力市场灵活化改革的根源在于:凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵、刚性劳动力市场的低效率和全球化时代生产方式与就业模式的根本性变革。
And then from two angles of technical efficiency and structural efficiency of labor, the author demonstrates the relationship of the value quantity of the goods and technical, macro-regulating, information labor, solve a difficult problem regarding died labor and value producing. 然后从技术效率和劳动力结构效率两个角度,论证了技术、宏观调控劳动和信息劳动与商品价值量的关系,同时解决了物化劳动与价值创造的难题。
Pursuing the Efficiency of Labor and the Diversity of Leisure 追求劳动效率与休闲的异化
The system leads to discrimination of farm labor and limits the flow of workforce, which in turn reduce the efficiency of labor force allocation. 劳动力计划配置必然导致用人单位冗员,引致劳动者的低效劳动,并通过限制制劳动力的流动,进一步降低了劳动力配置的效益;
In the drive to realizing the medium developed country in the middle period of this century, China shall upgrade the efficiency of labor resource utilization. 对于我国来说,要实现本世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家经济发展的目标,提高劳动力资源的利用率,无疑具有十分重要的现实意义。
The Effect of Labor Behavior on Efficiency of Labor under the Arrangement of New and Old Systems& Under the Background of Analyzing the Situations before and after the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Our Country 新旧制度下的劳动行为对劳动效率与产出增长的影响&以我国国有企业制度变革前后的情况分析为背景
But speaking in the view of efficiency, the efficiency of labor force is lowest; 但是从效率上来说,劳动力的效率却是最低的,而FDI的效率则大幅领先于国内投资与劳动力。
For the areas with smaller industry, Industry roll-out instead can improve the efficiency of local labor elements configuration. 对于行业规模较小的地区,产业的转出反而能提高当地劳动力要素配置效率。
Four infrastructure are significant positive impact on the efficiency of labor allocation, the stock of infrastructure can accelerate the movement of labor to a certain extent, promote the enhancement of the efficiency of labor allocation. 各基础设施均对劳动力配置效率存在显著的正向影响,即基础设施存量能够在一定程度上加速劳动力的流动,促进了劳动力配置效率的提升。
The quality of rural workforce is inferior in Shaanxi province, which is a key factor affect the efficiency of labor transfer. 我省农村劳动力整体素质偏低,这也是影响农村剩余劳动力有效转移的关键因素。
Parametric design can improve these parts of the factory independent development ability, reduce a lot of low efficiency of labor, can undertake series design, improve the design efficiency greatly shorten the development cycle of the products. 参数化设计减少了大量繁琐、低效的劳动,可以进行系列化设计,大大提高设计效率,缩短产品开发周期,进而提高零部件厂商的自主开发能力。
In the transitional period, Because of the money which improve the efficiency of Labor Exchange. Labor exchange presents both traditional and maternal characteristics; this kind of situation will be quite a long time in the future. 转型时期,金钱的介入使得劳动交换的效率有所提高,劳动交换呈现出传统性与现代性特征并存的特点,这种局面会在今后相当长的时间内存在。
The direct effect on economic growth in eastern coastal areas is higher than in the whole country. At the same time, the circulation modernization in eastern coastal areas indirectly impact on economic growth by both changing the efficiency of labor and resource allocation. 东部沿海地区流通现代化发展不仅直接效应高于全国和中西部地区,而且能够同时促进劳动和资本资源配置效率的提高进而促进东部地区经济增长。
These devices are mostly using discrete electronic tube circuit and semiconductor element, whose circuit is very large and complex, and the function is single, low efficiency of labor production. 这些设备大多采用的分立的电子管电路或半导体元件,电路非常复杂庞大,而功能比较单一,劳动生产效率低下。
RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification) is automatic information identification technology to help people get rid of complicated manual work and improve efficiency of labor. 射频识别(RFID)利用计算机自动识别信息,摆脱了繁杂的人工识别录入工作,大大提高了工作效率。
Combined with bilateral monopoly, special interest of departments causes alienation of labor division and decreases efficiency of labor division. 部门特殊利益与双边垄断相结合,造成流域水环境管理分工异化,降低分工效率。